Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Track and Field Day

This was our first year to be a part of Morning Son's track and field day.  It was such a great day.  They have the usual track and field stuff like the 50, 100, 400, 800 meter runs but they also have silly events like the balloon toss, three legged races, fire man dress up relay, cowboy toss, etc.  They also have the potato sack race which I was talked into participating in ..... we will NOT be posting those pictures!  Let's just say I fell at one point in the race...not pretty.... :).
This is a picture of D with his teacher, Mrs. Struck.  She is an absolute GEM!  She has been so kind to Daniel and has made his first "real school" experience wonderful.
D doing the cowboy toss.  He never made it to the "ringer".  The boy who had his turn following Danny said, "this one's for you Danny!"  and he threw his ringer and it wrapped on the highest point possible - everyone cheered so loud and they all yelled "Way to go Danny!"  What a sweet class.  Dan also attempted the 400 meter dash.  When it was obvious he wasn't going to make it around the track, his brother Jake ran out to him, picked him up and put him on his back and the rest of the 2nd grade class joined him and they all ran around the track again with everybody totally cheering.  It was REALLY touching....  Can you believe I don't have a picture of it!!!!!!!  UGH!  A friend said she would email me hers - she got a couple of great ones.

Sammy did a great job in the Fireman relay and here is a picture of him and his buddy before they did the three legged race.  Sam loved the whole day...
This is Jacob's class, a few kids are missing.  As you can see, it is overloaded with boys.  They are a great bunch though.  Jake has really turned out to be a runner.  He loves it.  He really likes the long distance stuff and does really well.  He won a number of the "real" track events. Way to go Jake!  I especially loved your run on the 400 with your brother on your back!  I love your tender heart!

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