Monday, June 23, 2008

Dan's birthday at Jewett Lake

We celebrated Danny's 8th birthday at my parent's place at Jewett Lake on Saturday - his actual birthday day.  I am usually running a little behind on parties for the boys, so this was really an accomplishment.  The guys had SO much fun.  They romped in the lake, had a water balloon fight, played frisbee golf, went tubing, roasted hot dogs, made smores, took rides on the "EZ Go" (while singing "EZ go rider, a song they made up...), had a watermelon seed spitting contest, opened presents, ate cake, and, all and all, just had a great time!

1 comment:

Jim and Marilyn said...

That looks like such fun! There is just nothing like a day at the lakes in MN-enjoy the wonderfully clear sky and water!!!